
A wise designer once said you should have nothing in your home you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. Chalet Ambre is a winning combination of both. In fact, if William Morris had been a keen skier, we think he’d have insisted on a house that allows you to ski right up to the door, too!

Ambre is kitted out with everything you need, from the high-tech (integrated sound, Spotify and TVs throughout) to the down-to-earth but ever so practical (ski room, laundry room and private parking). And the chalet is as beautiful as it is useful – Alpine chic style is the order of the day here – wood floors, clean lines and warm faux fur throws. Cushions piled high ensure that lounging is easy and there’s always a comfy seat for everyone.

The bedrooms are shrines to rest and relaxation, with soft duvets and fluffy towels, perfect after an energetic day on the slopes or a long soak in the luxurious outdoor hot tub.

Powder hounds will love the location. You’re less than two minute’s walk from the slopes. And when the day’s done you can sit out on the balcony with a drink or two and enjoy the mountains in all their majesty as the sun goes down. Simply spectacular.